There has one been one student having trouble with the graphing concept tickets - in this case - I will or the special education teacher will meet one-on-one to review the misconceptions.When there are too many students not understanding. A class conversation takes place on the misconceptions and how we can prevent these from happening again. In either case, students are allowed to re-take a concept ticket.
Students also have the option of going to the Math Help Room. Every period at our high school a math teacher will be available to assist with math concepts.
For my Algebra II classes, students who choose to redo their concept ticket need to explain their mistake. Students can ask myself or a peer for guidance.
As I type this I have some concerns that I need to fine tune:
- should I have a set percentage that students must redo
- should certain classes have tighter time frames
- should students who are looking to increase their grade be allowed to redo these at the end of the marking period